This week, marriage was…

Waking up to your kisses all over my face and shoulders.

{Best alarm clock ever.}

Cooking with freshly-picked herbs

{basil from our little basil plant}

for the first time.

A mirror held up to each of our faces,

brutally honest,

softly demanding growth and change.

Teaching each other about ourselves.

{Yes, almost 2 years in, there’s still more to learn.}

Hard conversations and hard moments.

Beauty at the beach.

Laughter and lots of it.

Unsuccessful searches for breakfast spots along the sunny streets of San Mateo.

Watching the World Cup downtown with the rest of San Francisco.

Marveling at the fact that one day, it’ll no longer be just the two of us

{as we get closer and closer to growing our little family of two}.

Our 2nd visit to the church we’re beginning to like more and more,

and the encouragement that brings.

God blessing us with insight, conviction, instruction and discernment.

Me learning how to make {really tasty, semi-healthy} cinnamon donuts at home.

Your shoulders as the best pillow I’ve ever had.

You seeing me angry for the very first time.

REALLY angry!

{Thankfully, not at you.}

Standing atop one of the hills in our neighborhood

to take in the views of South San Francisco, the airport, the water, and even Oakland.

Me having a horrible headache,

and you being the remedy.

A 2 mile run together

along the track near our apartment.

Crawfish beignets and watermelon iced tea.

Biscuits so good you’ve gotta eat them with your mouth closed.

A glass of red wine with dinner.

{and then}

That red wine made into green apple and watermelon sangria the next night.

Us both loving the warmer nights

and the fact that it’s meant abandoning cotton and comfy for satin and slinky. ;)

This week, marriage was all those things, and all those things were






P.S. Happy Weekend! How was your week?

21 thoughts on “This week, marriage was…

  1. Those donuts look amazing, lady! I don’t understand how you have such a nice figure, the way you two eat so good all the time! You better watch out once you start poppin out the babies.

    I did have a good week, thanks. Very relaxing, very short! Best way to go, lol. Happy weekend to you too!

    • Wow, Lori – you’re fast! I feel like I just wrote this! Lol.

      I’ve got a really fast metabolism and spend the week chasing after 3-5 year olds all day, so between those two things I can get away with eating the way I do ;) You’re right though – I’ll have to watch it once I’m a mommy! I’ve actually cut back a lot already {much less sugar/coffee/sodium/etc.} since we’re hoping to start trying to get pregnant in a few months.

      I’m glad you had a nice week! Mine was short too, in a way. Very much looking forward to this weekend. Galen and I are hoping to spend it with family, to enjoy ourselves, and to RELAX. Wishing you the same! :)

      {P.S. Thanks for reading!}

  2. When I read the angry part, I immediately was about to text you and say, “I was supposed to be first to know” but then you said “not at him.” haha. I love that you two have known each other for like 6 (or7?) years and he just saw you angry!

  3. hmm I really love that picture of the donuts… did you make them? I’d love to make some too…….


    • A basic biscuit dough rolled flat + cookie cutters + fried until golden brown in olive oil heated to 375 degrees. Well, I used olive oil so they’d be healthier, but most people use peanut oil.

      I made a cinnamon sugar mixture {literally out of ground cinnamon and white sugar} and shook the hot donuts in it before serving them. Good luck!

      And thanks! :)

  4. Hey JeLisa!!

    I’m really liking the “This week marriage was..” postings!

    I love that you really do wear your apron.

    I love seeing Galen in his wedding band.

    I love that you have a tattoo. Like, I wouldn’t peg you as the girl who has a tattoo, but whoop! There it is!!!


    • Hey Stacey! :)

      Thanks! I’m thinking I want to do them at least a couple times each month. Hopefully I can keep them up!

      I LOVE my aprons! They’re great motivation for those nights I don’t feel like cooking after a long day at work. ;)

      And yep, lots of people are surprised by my tattoo. I love it – what it is and where it is. It’s the only one I’ve got, and it’s one of my favorite things!

      Have a great weekend, love!

  5. I echo Stacey’s comment, I also love these posts. It’s encouraging to see marriage work when all I keep hearing is how Black love is dead. I admire the both of you and thank you so so so much for reinforcing that there are couples out there who put effort in and make it work.

  6. “Lol. Your such a teenager, Valencia!” :)

    I love that you say that. People either call me grown or very wise for my age. Thanks, cause, I think I’m wise in school, teenager at home, and a kid at heart! :)

    Never belong in adulthood. I wanna be like Peter Pan. Lol..

  7. “Lol. Your such a teenager, Valencia!” :)

    I love that you say that. People either call me grown or very wise for my age. Thanks, cause, I think I’m wise in school, teenager at home, and a kid at heart! :)

    Never belong in adulthood. I wanna be like Peter Pan. Lol..

What do you think?